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Visit the Church of Peace in Jawor 

a man, a woman and two boys standing on the path leading to the church, they are among the trees
In our way to the church in Jawor. Photo by my mum :)

This is the second church on the UNESCO list I've been to. It is similar to the church in Świdnica - maybe more modest, but also worth seeing. These churches are unique. The third church of peace in Głogów has not survived to our times - it was destroyed during the fire in 1758. 

an interior in a church, three chandeliers, rows of benches, a main altar in the background
I couldn't believe that everything is made of wood. Church of Peace in Jawor. Photo by A. Rybczyńska

The history of the founding of this church is also similar. A delegation of the Jaworzans went to Vienna to get permission from the emperor. In September 1652, the emperor approved the construction of the temple. However, he set conditions. The newly built church was to be built outside the city walls. The appearance of this building could not have had a tower. Only perishable materials were allowed for its construction: straw, wood, clay, sand. So you can see that it was similar to the Church in Świdnica. The location of the church outside the city walls was supposed to suggest that the Evangelical confession exists on the margins of social life. The lack of the tower of the new church meant that the building grew into a symbol of submission to the emperor. In December 1655, priest Christian Hoppe consecrated the church. The temple could accommodate 6,000 people in the main nave and two side aisles.

How far is it from Warsaw to Jawor?

The distance from Warsaw to Jawor is 422 km.

More information about Jawor Church of Peace you can find on Wikipedia and UNESCO site  

The interior is beautiful, made of wood. The main altar, 9.2 m high and 5 m wide, was founded by the Hochberg family in 1672

a man standing in frot of the bright main altar
The last renovation of the wooden altar took place in 2005. Church of Peace in Jawor. Photo by A. Rybczyńska

The organ was built for the first time in 1663 by Johann Hofrichter, a constructor from Legnica. The organs required frequent and costly repairs, so in 1855 they were replaced with new ones.

a wooden pulpit, organ, and wooden ceiling in a church
The splendid ceiling makes a great impression. Church of Peace in Jawor. Photo by A. Rybczyńska
large organ in a church, whole church made of wood
Wonderful organ. It's amazing that everything here is made of wood including this balcony. Church of Peace in Jawor. Photo by A. Rybczyńska
a boy is standing in a church, behind it are rows of benches
Maciek likes exploring :) Church of Peace in Jawor. Photo by A. Rybczyńska

I can't say what it is….. for sure it is some historic monument

a woman is standing by the historic monument
My mum. Church of Peace in Jawor. Photo by A. Rybczyńska

The first element of the decor that appeared inside the church was the baptismal font. It was founded in 1656 by Georg von Schweinitz. By the way, look at those amazing walls and upper gallery

a woman and a boy standing by the historic baptismal font
My mum with her grandson. Church of Peace in Jawor. Photo by A. Rybczyńska
a woman is standing next to historic baptismal font
The baptismal font in the baroque style. Church of Peace in Jawor. Photo by A. Rybczyński

In September 1670, members of the parish council commissioned Matthaus Knotte, a sculptor from Legnica, to make a pulpit according to the model presented by him earlier. The chalice of the pulpit rests on the sculpture of an angel holding an open Gospel in his hand. Legend says that this angel is "life-size", so tourists from all over the world come to see how big the angels are. 
The richly decorated balustrade of the pulpit shows six figures from the Old and New Testaments. On the canopy of the pulpit is the figure of the Resurrected Christ, who holds a flag symbolizing his victory over death. Under the finial of the pulpit, there is a sculpture showing a flying dove - a symbol of the Holy Spirit, which is supposed to enlighten the preaching priest. The work on gilding the pulpit was entrusted to George Flegel. The historic pulpit was restored in 2005.

a wooden pulpit - photo taken close up
It looks stunning. Church of Peace in Jawor. Photo by A. Rybczyńska

A historic ornament outside the church

a woman in front of the stone ornament which hangs on a wall outside the church
Despite the passage of time, the ornament is still well preserved. Church of Peace in Jawor. Photo by me :)

How to get to Church of Peace in Jawor?

Polish map outline and website address
If you have any questions,
please write to me
Agnieszka Rybczyńska


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