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a woman is sitting on the stair in front of a green door

Story about me :)


I’m Aga and I come from Poland. 

I’m writing this text and I’m wondering what am I doing here? Am I looking for myself? Maybe….. I’m looking for new challenges or maybe I want to fight for myself and my life. For sure, my intention is to create a website about my country - Poland.

If I had to describe myself in one sentence, it would sound like this: Loving nature and animals, a fan of music, books and travels, a pessimist with a certain dose of optimism.

But one after another….

Here is a short story about me ;) Of course, I’m not a native speaker or an English poet, so there can be mistakes in this text (and in other texts) - but it’s not the point!

So far, my life has been typical although there have been a few turning points. I was born in a beautiful city called Olsztyn. 

Castle in Olsztyn
The Amphitheatre and the Castle in Olsztyn
Olsztyn at night in Christmas Time
Town Hall in Olsztyn at night during Christmas. Photo by A. Rybczyńska

Olsztyn is surrounded by lakes and forests and you really have to try hard not to love this city.   

A few people are kayaking, reeds grow along the river, the sky is cloudless
We are kayaking. Only us and nature, isn't it great? It's Łyna river. Photo by A. Rybczyńska

But then I met my husband and I had to move to a different part of Poland. It was the first turning point in my life. I found a job as a teacher there. I have been teaching in high school and technical college for many years. I gave birth to twins 11 years ago - and it was the second turning point. I began a part-time job to devote myself to raise my children. 

two boys are standing on a pier, there is a lake and more piers. Reeds grow in a lake
My wonderful kids. Suburbs of Olsztyn. Photo by A. Rybczyńska

When they went to kindergarten, I went back to full time work. But times have changed. There was more and more bureaucracy and frankly speaking my job has stopped giving me joy, happiness and satisfaction.

My children grew, time accelerated and I began to have a feeling that I was standing still……… instead of being a creator of my life, I was only an observer. I was playing a role but not in my theatre of life.

Untill finally, one spring in 2019 my husband said: “We are going on holiday to Italy. It’s time to move forward”. Omg!!! Italy? I have never been to Italy! It’s a long distance from Poland. But we went. There were 2 turning points in just three months. One of them, at the end of July sounded “I will never go to Italy again”, the second one, in October was ”I miss sunny Italy so much. I want to go back there. When are we going to go there again?” 

a woman is standing in front of Saint Marks Basilica, a magnificent church in Venice
It was amazing time in Venice. Photo by A. Rybczyński

But who will understand the woman hehe :) Have I become a mature woman? Have I grown up? Have I understood what is important in life, what really matters? Maybe all at once. Suddenly it turned out that the language barrier I had in my head didn't bother me anymore, that I love the heat (I’m getting old - it’s obvious ;)) and walking through the streets of unknown places. I came back to Poland richer in everything and I wanted…… to live. This word ”to live” included tasting life, travelling, experiencing, meeting people. I couldn’t stop thinking about another aims on the map. I have started to live from one journey to another. But what next? I thought that it would be a pleasure and real privillage to share my humble knowledge and experience with other people who (maybe like I used to have) have fears, anxiety, some barriers before their big journey. I chose my country…. Why? Because I believe in Poland, I see the beauty of my country and hospitality of my countrymen. But how to join my idea, my optimism and the Internet in one piece? At that moment, my husband came up with a fantastic tool. As an IT specialist he created a new Content Management System CMS (totally responsive, accessible, modern) and here I am! He shortly told me how to use it so now I can create my own website! 

So let’s start and wish me good luck!

Polish map outline and website address
If you have any questions,
please write to me
Agnieszka Rybczyńska


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