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Visit and attractions in Płock

white building, the fountain in front of it, two boys and a man sitting next to the fountain
A moment of rest. The town hall in Płock behind us. Photo by A. Rybczyńska

Did you know that Płock was the capital of Poland? Indeed it was. 

Płock was the capital in the years 1079–1138. The town is located on the Vistula river, which is the largest river in Poland. Several times a year we have passed Płock on our way to Olsztyn but I have only seen this town through my car window. I thought that Płock is not worth my interest and there are no nice places to visit. I even told my husband that I would be bored if we went there. But none of those things. How wrong I was!

Finally, we decided to go there in 2022. And actually we were charmed by this town. It's not so big (more than 110,000 inhabitants) but it has very nice old main square, great promenade and unique pier, wonderful hill (which is called Tumskie Hill), many different sculptures (photos below) and now we know how important the town is for our history. Visit Płock with me.

More information about Płock you can find on Wikipedia 

How far is it from Warsaw to Płock?

The distance from Warsaw to Płock is 111 km.

I invite you to see my photos from Płock :)

Let's begin…… One of the most interesting thing about Płock is that there are remains of our rulers and princes. I'm totally serious. In the Płock Cathedral, one of the five oldest Roman Catholic temples in the country, which was built in 12th century, there are the historical graves of two Polish rulers: Władysław Herman and Bolesław Krzywousty. Fifteen Dukes of Mazovia are also buried there. It seems that the Cathedral Basilica is the most precious monument there. It is located on a hill 60 meters above the Vistula River. 

A man and two young boys standing by the tomb of the rulers of medieval Poland. They are in a church
My boys at the tomb of the rulers of medieval Poland. The Cathedral Basilica in Płock. Photo by A. Rybczyńska

In Płock there was also an original monument of Romanesque art - a door that was stolen or given as a gift (there are several hypotheses and even historians do not know the truth). Nowadays, the original door is in the Cathedral of St. Sophia in Novgorod the Great (in Russia). We have a copy of the door in Płock. The diocesan museum is also worth a visit. In the treasury we can see for example Konrad's chalice or Diadem of Płock.

A unique door located in the entrance to the church, divided into small squares that depict various sacred scenes
This is the copy of the door I mentioned. The Cathedral Basilica in Płock. Photo by A. Ryczyńska

From the Cathedral Basilica we went towards the unique pier. To reach it, we had to go down from the Tumskie Wzgórze several dozen meters. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it is built parallel to the shore and it is 358 meters long! At the end of the pier there is very nice, round-shaped restaurant where you can eat ice cream, cake, salads, sandwiches or drink coffee. After a moment of rest, delicious coffee and cake, we decided to explore the rest of the town. When we went down, now we had to climb the hill, but we managed :)

A man and two boys standing on a viewing platform. View of the river and the pier parallel to the shore in the background
Our largest river Vistula and a wonderful pier in Płock with a cafe at the end. Photo by A. Rybczyńska

Quite a high hill but the location is magical and worth seeing

A woman and two boys standing, behind them there is quite high, green hill. On top of the hill there is a church
We are at the beginning of the pier in Płock. Photo by A. Rybczyński

We had a great pleasure while walking through the streets of the old market square. The weather was fantastic. During our walk, we saw several sculptures of people important to Płock (I will show them in the photos below). We finally got to the town hall. And there we saw beautifully dressed boys and girls from a folk band. It was a great, unusual sight. 

A folk band in front of a white building, girls and boys have nice folk costumes
A folk band on the Market Square in Płock. Photo by A. Rybczyńska

Only after a few hours I found out that Płock is a very nice tourist-friendly place. I recommend you seeing this beautiful, quiet town, sitting in a cafe on the pier, walking along the promenade, visiting the Cathedral Basilica and maybe sipping a drink in the market square by the beautiful fountain. What else…..? Płock is located only 110 km from Warsaw and is a great place for a one day trip.

Ps. If you like Vermeer's paintings (especially "Girl with a Pearl Earring"), see below what Płock has common with this famous painter and his work 

I invite you to see more photos from Płock!

A woman and a boy standing on a viewing platform, a church in the background
This photo was taken from a special viewing platform in Płock. Photo by A. Rybczyński

In the background you can see the Cathedral Basilica, as well as the railway bridge over the Vistula River

A woman and two boys standing on a view platform, a church, river and a train bridge in the background
We are looking at The Cathedral Basilica in Płock. Photo by A. Rybczyński

We are heading to The Cathedral Basilica

A woman and two boys heading to the church
We like visiting the monuments. We are heading to the Cathedral Basilica in Płock. Photo by A. Rybczyński

Beautiful interior in Cathedral Basilica

A blue ceiling in a church
Nice interiors. The Cathedral Basilica in Płock. Photo by A. Rybczyńska
walls with images of saints, a window with stained glass in the church
A hall with the remains of our rulers. The Cathedral Basilica in Płock. Photo by A. Rybczyńska
A man and two young boys standing next to the church
In front of the Cathedral Basilica in Płock. Photo by A. Rybczyńska
The main entrance to the church, walls of the church made from red bricks
The main entrance to the Cathedral Basilica in Płock. Photo by A. Rybczyńska
Beautiful interior of the church, painted walls presents saints, a large chandelier is lit
I like paintings on the walls. The Cathedral Basilica in Płock. Photo by A. Rybczyńska

After visiting the cathedral we went to the pier

A woman and two young boys walking along a path between green trees
My boys are going gladly tempted by the vision of ice cream :) Płock. Photo by A. Rybczyński

And during our walk we met nice guy :)

A woman crouching on the sidewalk, looking at a mosaic cat that hangs on a wall
 A mosaic cat. Płock. Photo by A. Rybczyński 

Do you recognize this female head? I'm sure you do. After all, this is one of Vermeer's most famous painting :)

It is a cat painted on a wall, the head of this cat presents a head a girl from Vermeer painting Girl with a pearl, the second part of cat is normal, typical
I like cats and I like painting so I had to take this photo. Płock. Photo by A. Rybczyńska

I mentioned that there are many scupltures in Płock. Some of them are in my photos 

A man and two boys sitting on a bench by the monument to the first Polish prime minister after the fall of communism
With the Tadeusz Mazowiecki sculpture. He was our first Prime Minister after the fall of communism. Płock. Photo by A. Rybczyńska

And another one

A woman standing by the sculpture of Marshal of the Great Sejm
Co-author of the first constitution in Europe. Płock. Photo by A. Rybczyński

This time I am with a female sculpture. This woman is very important for Płock. She was co-founder and in the years 1957-1997 director of the National Song and Dance Ensemble "Mazowsze" (one of the largest Polish artistic groups referring to the tradition of Polish folk music and dance). She was born in Płock.

A woman standing by the sculpture of a woman
With Mira Zimińska-Sygietyńska in Płock. Photo by A. Rybczyński

Bolesław III Krzywousty was one of the ruler in medieval Poland

A sculpture that presents a polish ruler on his horse, tenement houses in the background
I had no idea that there are so many sculptures in Płock. Photo by A. Rybczyńska

And another sculpture………….. this time it presents an engineer 

Two boys by the sculpture of a man
This monument is called “Jakub Chojnacki's Bench”. Płock. Photo by A. Rybczyńska

Piorek is standing by the preserved fragment of the medieval defensive wall

a boy standing by the preserved fragment of the medieval defensive wall
I have no idea what he is reading there :) Płock. Photo by A. Rybczyńska

We went to the shop to buy some souvenirs

cobblestone streets of the market
We collect souvenirs. We had to buy something from Płock. Photo by A. Rybczyńska

The classicist white building is the former Odwach (the former guardhouse of the tsarist army). In front of it is the Unknown Soldier plate.

A man and two boys standing in front of the wite building
History can be difficult. Płock. Photo by A. Rybczyńska

This lion is in front of the Town Hall

A woman standing by the lion sculpture, a lion is in front of the white building
I almost gave him a kiss. The Market Square in Płock. Photo by A. Rybczyński

We wanted to see the interiors of this Roman Catholic Church of St. Bartholome the Apostle, but unfortunately it was closed

A woman and a boy heading to the white church
Next time, we will go there. Płock. Photo by A. Rybczyński
Polish map outline and website address
If you have any questions,
please write to me
Agnieszka Rybczyńska


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