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Cities to visit in Poland

On this page you can see all the places I have been to. I will describe them one by one. These will be my thoughts, memories, subjective feelings. I want to share with you my experience, my photos, little tips. Maybe one day, you will want to visit Poland and these notes will help you with that. On this page I will describe the largest cities in Poland, other places such as bigger or smaller towns, villages, open-air museums, castles and palaces you will find on the page with towns and other places.

a French-style garden in front of the palace


a woman with two children is standing by the fountain of neptune, there are a lot of tourists around them, tenement houses with rich decorations behind them


a man and two children are standing in the Main Square, the Cloth Hall and a church in the background


a fountain and a white town hall behind it


A woman is standing next to the exhibition about Copernicus


a woman looking at the porcelain items


a yellow facade of a palace decorated with roman style figures


a woman and two children are sitting next to the Bacchus monument, a lot of tourists in the background

Zielona Góra

amphitheater at the foot of the castle


a path leading to the amphitheatre with graffiti on the wall


the city hall with clock tower


A statue of a stilt walker emerging from the corner of the building

Jelenia Góra

Polish map outline and website address
If you have any questions,
please write to me
Agnieszka Rybczyńska


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